Soutien et ressources aux étudiants
DCAN a lancé une variété de ressources pour vous soutenir !
Voici les services que nous proposons:
Rendez-vous de conseil en tête-à-tête,
Prise en charge de la complétion FAFSA 1-sur-1
Ateliers de préparation au collège
Outil de correspondance universitaire
Liste des bourses
Bulletin étudiant
Pour toute question sur le soutien aux étudiants, veuillez contacter support@detroitcan.org.

Ressources d'assistance
SAT Tips
Get a good nights sleep before test day
Eat a nourishing breakfast
Arrive to your test site early
Use a No. 2 pencil
Read carefully
Use the test booklet as scrap paper to jot notes and ideas
Eliminate answers to a question that you know are wrong
Circle questions in your booklet that you skip so you remember to go back and answer them
Answer every question
Work at an even, steady, pace, and keep moving forward
Keep track of time. Bring a watch (without an audible alarm)
SAT Prep Class Benefits
Provides Strategies
Provides tips for taking the test efficiently
Gives a good insight on what the actual test will look like so you're not blindsided
Shows you what type of questions will be asked
Proven to improve scores
Learn how to use your calculator to benefit you
It will help to improve SAT weak spots
You will feel well prepared
Ways To Practice & Stay Informed
College Board
Dates and information on the SAT and PSAT
Free official SAT practice questions
Kahn Academy
Free SAT practice tests
SAT Tips & Strategies